tampa psychotherapist

Meet Brandy

Brandy is a Heart Centered Holistic Psychotherapist, Integrative Nutrition Health + Wellness Counselor, Reiki Master Quantum Energy Therapist, Intuitive Tarot Reader, Sage, Mystic, + Wounded Healer who brings a humanistic, psychospiritual, + culturally expansive lens to her work. Central to these lenses are cultural humility, recognition of every human being’s inherent strengths + value, + the exploration of all aspects of one’s energetic, physical, mental, emotional, sexual, + spiritual health. The foundation of her work is the collaborative building of the therapeutic relationship that fosters non-judgment + unconditional acceptance + respect. She’s dedicated her life’s work to the healing arts with the intent to help raise human consciousness + the healing frequency of love on our planet because she believes healing happens in community.

Brandy has a background in working with various populations who’ve experienced chronic stress, oppression, + childhood, racial, sexual, + religious trauma. She’s worked with teens, adults, families, LGBTQIA+, couples, women + children experiencing homelessness, victims of domestic violence + human trafficking, + veterans.

She’s passionate about women’s rights + social justice, + advocates for diversity inclusiveness that provides equal access to opportunities + resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.

Brandy is a highly sensitive, intuitive empath, neurodivergent mother to one human + two cats. Her passions include plant medicine journeys, non-profit + philanthropic work, writing, holistic nutrition + recipe development, traveling, painting, photography, + personal growth. Her own childhood trauma led her to the healing arts field + she’s made wellness a central focal point in her life because of it. Working with a therapist who has been where you are + walks the talk can help you stay accountable + grounded in your own inner healing work.

brandy therapist

Why Work With Me?

Our challenges can be deeply uncomfortable, but I believe these experiences are opportunities for profound growth + so we can gain clarity about our needs. Therapy helps us take control of our lives so we can begin to write a new story -- a story of our choosing + design.

I offer guidance on how to put yourself first through challenges, how to get your needs met, + how to make sense + meaning from some of life's most difficult moments. As famous philosopher Victor Frankl once quoted, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”. I believe our greatest power is giving ourselves permission to pivot + live free + authentically in each new chapter of our lives.

I personally understand how confusing life can be + how difficult it is at times to navigate your way through. I offer my clients compassion, understanding, perspective, + tools using a gentle yet direct + radically honest approach. We’ll get to the root of the problem so you can gain insight, find solutions that work for you, + begin the process of healing. I make my inner work a priority in my personal life, which means I practice what I preach + I’m here to guide + support you in doing the same. Doing our inner work is how we create positive collective change. We’re all connected + how we show up for ourselves has the ability to create a positive ripple effect in our communities + the rest of the world.

spiritual health counselor
alchemai mark

“I help my clients feel expansive enough to explore their inner world without judgement + make choices based on what feels authentic to them rather than making decisions based on old conditioning + other people’s expectations + agendas. As your therapist, you have a right to tell me what’s not helpful or working in our sessions so we can make adjustments as needed. Our work together is collaborative + my role is to guide you back home to yourself so you can discover your answers + begin to create the life you want”.

In order to begin the healing process we need safe spaces to tell our story. My approach is collaborative, resiliency-based, insight-oriented, + solution-focused. This involves listening to my clients + identifying needs + potential solutions to address issues in a way + pace that’s most comfortable for them. You will never be forced to make changes you’re not ready to make here. My goal is to help you build resiliency + self-trust over time, + reduce the noise in your mind so you can hear your inner truth + wisdom. I believe no single approach fits every client’s needs + using a variety of modalities allows us to tailor therapy to your specific needs + goals.

  • B.S. in Behavioral Healthcare | University of South Florida, 2015

  • B.S. in Metaphysical Science | University of Sedona, 2024

  • Certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master | 2020

  • Current Ph.D. student at the University of Sedona specializing in Conscious-Centered Living

  • M.S. in Counseling and Psychology | Troy University, 2017


therapist office
  • American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA)

  • Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (FMHCA)

  • Suncoast Mental Health Counselors Association (SMHCA) | Past Board Member Representing Registered Mental Health Counselor Interns 2019-2020

  • International Society of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (IS-ART)

  • Vice President of The Janice Hart Foundation 2023-current

Professional Memberships

Are you ready to invest in yourself + take control of your life?

Get Started:

Step 1: Call or text to schedule a 15 min. phone consultation to determine if we’re the best fit for your needs.

Step 2: Schedule + complete your first therapy session where we’ll discuss a general therapy plan to fit your needs + goals.