reiki tampa

Reiki Quantum Energy Medicine + Intuitive Tarot Reading

Embracing Duality to Balance the Mind, Heart, Body, + Soul

We’re here to accept the natural unfoldment of our lives, awaken + become more conscious + connected to ourselves, others, + our precious human life on this planet. I’m here to support that evolution in others by helping my clients shift the heavy mental, emotional, + physical energies we store in our mind, heart, + body when moving through the challenges of healing + growth.

Nature consists of both positive + negative polarities, + we need both to create balance. The human experience is no different. Accepting duality as a natural part of life + learning to ebb + flow between two opposing forces allows us to understand our experiences more completely + to live a full spectrum life free from limitations. Our challenges are essential for helping us learn + evolve, + they should not be experiences we avoid if we want to grow outside our comfort zones + expand into the experiences we instinctively know will bring us fulfillment.

tarot reading tampa

Intuitive Tarot Reading + Spiritual Guidance

Tarot is an esoteric spiritual tool that can guide us on our journey of self-discovery + personal growth. When Tarot is intentionally used as a tool for our soul’s growth, it can aid us in organically releasing identification with fear, ego, + the natural contraction of expansion. This powerful divination tool offers insight into your present experience + offers guidance + inspiration that illuminates a conscious path forward. Tarot reminds us we have the power to shape our own destiny + create a life of abundance in many forms if we learn from each experience, identify our triggered patterns, + apply the knowledge + wisdom to create a new experience.

reiki therapy

Reiki Quantum Energy Medicine

Reiki is a form of biofield therapy. This powerful + effective healing modality gently balances, detoxifies, + promotes natural healing in the mind, body, + soul. Reiki is channeled through your spiritually attuned practitioner + into your energy field + physical body to bring your mental + emotional energy centers (aka Chakra’s) back into alignment. Reiki gently sends pulsing electromagnetic energy into your biomagnetic field to restore the body to optimal frequencies that promote its natural healing processes.

tarot cards

Tarot Medicine for the Human Experience

Tarot allows us to tap into our subconscious mind, intuition, + creativity. I use this modality to help clients gain greater clarity about their present experiences so they can make informed choices about the next steps forward. During a reading you’ll gain clarity about the current soul lessons you’re experiencing so you can make sense of what’s happening in your life. Imbedded in each card is medicine for our wounds as they serve to bring conscious awareness to the hidden aspects of our subconscious mind that’s creating our life.

We’re empowered to create change when we’re more aware of our subconscious patterns that are creating our reality. When life feels uncertain, a tarot reading can help anchor you in the present moment + understand the challenges that are catalyzing your growth for your highest + best good. It can bring hope, empowerment, + relief as you come to understand the nature of duality + the important role it plays in our evolution, healing, + preparation for our heart’s desires.

Intuitive Tarot Reading + Spiritual Guidance
$150 | 1 hr. in person or virtual

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy medicine, also known as biofield therapy. This energy healing modality gently balances, detoxifies, + promotes healing in the mind, body, + soul. It’s channeled through your Reiki practitioner who has been trained + attuned to work with this powerful healing life force energy. Wide scale research from U.S. top medical research universities, including Harvard, Yale, + Johns Hopkins, continues to show statistically significant improvements in physical + psychological health, wellbeing, + quality of life.

Reiki transmutes stagnant energy blockages + releases physical + emotional pain while nourishing + strengthening the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki also facilitates the theta + alpha brainwave states that promote rest, release, healing, + higher states of consciousness. This powerful combination of inner + outer healing creates a deep sense of inner peace, renewal, + self-actualization that lasts long after your session has ended. 

I have witnessed profound shifts in my clients who combine psychotherapy + energy therapy. In fact, those who use both modalities experience more rapid results in their lives because we’re working to shift the source of the pain at an energetic level.

Reiki Can Be Used For

  • Releasing stored trauma + emotional pain

  • Release energy blocks + balancing our Chakras (our mental + emotional energy centers in the body)

  • Gaining mental clarity + insight

  • Promoting emotional resilience

  • Manifesting needs + desires

  • Anxiety + depression relief 

  • Promoting emotional resilience

  • Shadow integration

  • Regulating + increasing energy

  • Physical, mental, + emotional detox

  • Physical pain reduction

  • Improving rest + sleep

  • Increasing physical, mental, emotional, + spiritual healing response time

  • Strengthening our immune system


Our Session

We will spend a few minutes at the beginning of your session discussing your areas of concern. This is a safe + confidential space for you to share as little or as much as you’d like. You also don’t need to have anything specific in mind to experience a Reiki session since this is an intelligent energy that flows into the spaces where healing + balance are needed most at that time. In fact, Reiki works at the subconscious level where our psychological programming resides + can be channeled into the past, present, + future. 


Our Session

Clients have reported feeling relaxed, mentally + emotionally lighter, pain free, grounded, + more energized at the end our session. Reiki is most beneficial during times of transition + most of my clients naturally feel pulled to have a session when they’re in a massive growth period. Your Reiki session will include a Tarot reading, guided meditation, energy healing, spirit guide message, + crystal of your choosing to bring new energy into your home environment.

reiki session

Immersive Reiki Quantum Energy Healing + Tarot Reading for Transformation

Everything exists energetically before it physically manifests + working at a quantum energy level allows us to change our physical reality in a conscious + intentional way. This immersive healing experience includes a Tarot + Oracle card reading to help you gain clarity about the spiritual lessons you’re mastering, a guided meditation for grounding, releasing, + shifting stuck energy, subconscious reprogramming, a root + heart sound bath, a spirit guide message, + a crystal stone of your choice. This intensive healing experience is best for those who are preparing to make radical change in their life.

Reiki Quantum Energy Therapy
$333 | 3 hr. Immersive Healing Session

“Brandy’s in-depth knowledge of Tarot combined with her truly soul-driven Reiki practice have been instrumental in my healing journey over the last few years. As a mental health clinician myself, I find that she is able to offer a unique form of therapy that offers wisdom, knowledge, and hope during our toughest and most challenging times”.

— Dr. Shana Stowitzky, Psy.D

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Are you ready to invest in yourself + take control of your life?

Get Started:

Step 1: Call or text to schedule a 15 min. phone consultation to determine if we’re the best fit for your needs.

Step 2: Schedule + complete your first therapy session where we’ll discuss a general therapy plan to fit your needs + goals.